Credit Deletion

Credit items that are not trade lines can be described as your name, address, phone number, or employment. These items can also be incorrect on your credit file. Incorrect items reporting on your credit report should be identified and looked at why it is there. Check for any fraud. If there is no reason for concern, then these items should be removed for accuracy.
Community Credit Repair specializes in collection removal, collection deletion, charge off removal, bankruptcy removal, delinquent payment removal, repossession removal, foreclosure removal, tax lien removal, judgment removal, and dispute code removal. These are permanent deletions from your credit report.
Community Credit Repair specializes in collection removal, collection deletion, charge off removal, bankruptcy removal, delinquent payment removal, repossession removal, foreclosure removal, tax lien removal, judgment removal, and dispute code removal. These are permanent deletions from your credit report.
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2375 S JONES BLVD, #15
(702) 724-0500